As an independent non-profit organisation, the Green Web Foundation is on a mission to green the internet by 2030. As a green hosting provider, you are an integral part of this mission.
Since 2012, with your help, we’ve been maintaining the world’s largest open dataset on green hosting providers. Every day, across the globe, around seven million checks against our open dataset are made.
Based on that data, we’ve built free services and open source tools that allow users to make greener choices when auditing their digital supply chains. The Green Web Directory is one such service. It helps users choose from a curated, high-quality, verified list of hosting providers who meet a clear level of ambition on greening their service.
After more than ten years, we now see the need to relaunch the Green Web Directory.
A preview of the new Green Web Directory
A mock-up of the new Green Web Directory search page
A mock-up of the new Green Web Directory results page.
A mock-up of the new Green Web Directory verified hosting provider profile page.
What will be new?
Our goal is to make the Green Web Directory appealing and easy to navigate while continuing to ensure a high quality of data.
We are working on:
- a new, clear design
- an annual verification process that ensures that green hosting providers in the directory are up-to-date
- a three-tier program for green hosting providers that want to support our mission to green the internet by 2030
- new features, such as better filtering options and the ability to look up green hosting providers against locations and services
- an easier registration process for new green hosting providers
We’ll get in touch with more details closer to the launch.
If you have questions before then, don’t hesitate to get in touch using our support form.