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Browsing your way to a greener web

In 2006, we started working with a small team on a project that aimed to make the kind of energy visible that powers the Internet: green for renewables, grey for fossil-fuel powered.

Today, The Green Web apps show the source of energy of every site you visit in your browser. To date, internet users have performed well over three billion checks with the apps, monitoring the emergence of The Green Web.

Check your search results instantly

The Green Web app will show you whether a website is hosted green or grey whenever you visit it.

But there is more: it also works while performing internet searches on Google, Bing or Yahoo.

All results are labeled real-time on your screen, so even before visiting a site you will know whether it is hosted green or not!

Moreover, all links to green sites on webpages that you visit will be underlined subtly by a thin green dashed line.

Get the app


If you use Chrome, you can download the Green Web Browser extension, which shows you the green status of every site you visit, and every link on a page.


This is coming soon to the Firefox add-on store, but in the meantime, if you are familiar a command line you can install by following the instructions on github (see below).

Get the Source

The underlying source code for these extensions is available on github, under a permissive MIT software license. Feature requests and pull requests are gratefully accepted!