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Green Web Dataset

Since 2006, we’ve been independently verifying hosting providers to check they are running on green electricity. The data and evidence submitted as part of our verification process forms a core part of our Green Web Dataset.

Therefore, you can think of the Green Web Dataset as the world’s biggest, open dataset of websites that run on green electricity. With analysis of the dataset you can track which parts of the internet run on green energy – and which don’t. Pretty neat!

The dataset is also an enabler for the free, open source tools we build to help others measure and manage the environmental impact of digital services. Our most popular tools reference it under the hood. For example, our:

  • Green Web Check enables you to check if any website is running on green energy.
  • Green Web Directory is a searchable list of verified green hosting providers which enables people to quickly find organisations they can buy services from.

It’s not only our tools that leverage the power of the Dataset. There lots of other organisations out there automating real-time checks against the Dataset using our Green Web Dataset API.

Want to use the Green Web Dataset?

Whether you are a developer, a user, or a data scientist, there’s lots of ways you can make use of our dataset.

More technical info about the Dataset

Organisations using our data


Determine the energy-efficiency and sustainability of a website.

Website Carbon

Look up a website’s carbon emissions and compare it with other websites.

Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

The information on the domains (“organisation data”) is drawn from data submitted by the hosting organisations themselves. While we have a series of checks to verify some claims, there may be cases of errors in the source data have errors which we have not yet detected.

Therefore we cannot make any promises as to the quality of organisation data. You use the organisation data entirely at your own risk.

For this reason, and because this data is made available without charge, we limit our liability as follows.

The Green Web Datasets are provided “AS IS” and on an “IS AVAILABLE” basis without any representations or any kind of warranty made (whether express or implied by law) to the extent permitted by law, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

Under no circumstances will we be liable for any of the following losses or damage (whether such losses were foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (f) losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of Green Web Datasets, regardless of the form of action.


This project has been funded by NGI0 Discovery Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet program, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 825322. Initial work on this project has been funded by RIPE NCC and additional data quality work has been funded by SIDN Fonds. Thank you!