Chris Adams
Who pays for cleaner energy on the web? Ratepayers, taxpayers and shareholders
Rate payers, taxpayers and shareholders – a simple way to think and talk about who pays for clean energy and digital infrastructure.
Three levers for change as a technologist: Consumption, Intensity, and Direction
This post presents a simple model to talk about the levers available to you as a technologist, and how you might embed an awareness of climate in your work.
A demand curve for compute
There are lots of ideas from the energy sector that we can use to help think about greening digital infrastructure. Here, we look at demand curves.
Open Green Web Syllabus Update: introducing Emilio Velis
We introduce Emilio Velis with short interview to help get to know him, and why he joined the open green web fellowship programme.
Open Green Web Syllabus Update: introducing Hannah Smith
We introduce Hannah and share a mini-interview to help get to know her, and why she joined the open green web fellowship programme.