The Green Software Foundation Carbon Hack – 13 Oct – 10 Novby Hannah Smith13th October 20223rd July 2023Grid/carbon aware, Updates & events
Start calculating digital carbon emissions in 5 minutes with CO2.jsby Fershad Irani13th October 20228th January 2024CO2.js
Carbon Aware Scheduling on Nomad and Kubernetesby Ross Fairbanks10th October 20223rd July 2023Grid/carbon aware
The birth of – a holistic way of exploring sustainability in the digital tech sectorby Hannah Smith1st September 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Presenting new research climate justice x digital rightsby Fieke Jansen13th July 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Digitalisation and Sustainability at the SwissIGF: key takeaways and further areas of actionby Katrin Fritsch7th July 20223rd July 2023Policy, Updates & events
Using air conditioning and the five insights from my fellowshipby Emilio Velis9th June 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Reskilling for Climate Justice: 5 things to let goby Melissa Hsiung9th June 202212th July 2023Fellowship