Carbon Emissions in Browser DevTools – Firefox Profiler and CO2.jsby Fershad Irani31st August 20235th September 2023Case studies, CO2.js
Africa needs stronger collaboration towards greener digital transformationby Catherine Muya28th August 202329th August 2023Fellowship
Branch Issue 5: Critical Carbon Computingby Michelle Thorne28th August 202319th September 2023Publications
Digital rights and Climate Justice in Latin Americaby Katrin Fritsch28th August 202328th August 2023Fellowship
Discovering new approaches to internet infrastructures by Katrin Fritsch28th August 202328th August 2023Fellowship
WordPress, sustainability and learning in the openby Katrin Fritsch15th August 20237th August 2024Fellowship
Fictions and frictions: identifying bridges, tensions and possible coalitions towards environmental justice and digital rightsby Kuirme collective11th August 202313th October 2023Policy, Updates & events
How much of the internet is covered by Net zero targets?by Chris Adams16th July 202324th July 2023Policy, Updates & events
CO2.js Case Study – Ecograder by Mightybytesby Fershad Irani13th July 20235th September 2023Case studies, CO2.js